
AuZtralia board game by Martin Wallace

Created by SchilMil Games (Amanda Milne)

AuZtralia is an adventure/exploration game for up to 4 players set in an alternate reality 1930s. The theme is inspired by Martin Wallace's game A Study in Emerald. It can be played competitively, or as a solo game or as a fully co-operative game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Two expansions for AuZtralia - live now
over 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 07, 2021 at 12:49:53 PM


Thank you once again for your support in 2018. I hope you have been enjoying your adventures down under.

It has been a long time. But the Old Ones have not been sleeping through. They have been plotting their Revenge and overtaking new lands.

We have just launched a new campaign for two expansions: Revenge of the Old Ones, and TaZmania! 

You can check them out here.


Amanda Milne & Martin Wallace

The Finish Line!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 01:54:57 AM

Fulfillment update

First off - everyone should have received their games by now.  If you haven't got yours and you've not been in touch with someone about it, please do so ASAP.

  • English edition: You can contact [email protected]
  • Other editions: Please contact your local publisher.

Replacement parts have been going out from myself in NZ, from Spiral Galaxy (UK), Lets Play (Australia)  and from Stronghold (USA) for English editions and from the local publishers for all other editions. If you haven't yet checked your game over, please do so and let the relevant publisher know if something is missing or damaged.
We cannot guarantee to have the missing parts if you contact us a year from now!


Rules Questions

The BoardGame Geek forums have quite a lot of discusssions about the game including rules clarifications. These are worth checking out if you have an uncertainty about the rules. Often times you will find your question has been posed and answered already and you can get the resolution you need without delaying your game in progress.

How to Play video

The Dicey Review recently posted an excellent 25 min video "How to play AuZtralia". It's a great overview if you haven't played the game yet.

Other news

In the last month, since I returned from Essen I have been having a well deserved rest. I am also delighted to report that I've become a grandmother! To a lovely wee boy called Jaxon.  I am counting the months until he can hold dice!

Christmas is almost here and I hope you enjoy a relaxing break from your daily routine and most importantly get to play some great games.


SchilMil's family games are on sale in the USA. where they will be delivered promptly by Amazon.

Our NZ online store has the range of SchilMil and also Cheeky Parrot Games available. We use courier delivery - in 1-2 days.

Once again, my sincere thanks to you for supporting AuZtralia and giving it such a great start on its journey.
Seasons Greetings

Spiel-Flu, Fulfilment, Ratings!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Nov 08, 2018 at 12:24:01 AM

Greetings from NZ. Yes I made it back down under, complete with a heavy dose of Spiel Flu, Con-Crud, Essen-plague (or maybe all three).

Martin signing copies at Stronghold's booth, Essen Spiel 2018
Martin signing copies at Stronghold's booth, Essen Spiel 2018


Fulfilment update

Most backers should now have received their games.
Don't Panic if you haven't got yours just yet - as the final stages of fulfilment are about to happen as follows ...

  • Brazil - the shipment is due to arrive at Ludofy this week - Rafael is planning to start sending them out to backers on Monday 12th.
  • Canada - games are with the fulfilment centres (English and French editions) and they will be going out any day now!
  • Poland - Phalanx have received their shipment and should be starting the fulfilment very soon.
  • Spain - games have started arriving with backers this week :)
Martin causes Stephen Buonocore to crack up, during Day 2 Setup
Martin causes Stephen Buonocore to crack up, during Day 2 Setup


Missing or damaged parts?

I am coordinating the replacement of parts for the English edition. If you have a problem you can contact me directly through KS messages, or email to [email protected] . If you have a different language edition then please contact your publisher. They will have replacement parts and are better placed to serve you promptly.



AuZtralia has been on the BGG Hotness list since fulfilment started about 3 weeks ago, and helped by our presence at the Spiel. I especially want to thank Spiral Galaxy for their impressive stand display, with great banners on show.

me dancing with cthulhu at the Spiral Galaxy stand
me dancing with cthulhu at the Spiral Galaxy stand


Please help AuZtralia stay in the eye of gamers by giving a rating , thumbing its images, or commenting on its listing here.  It is currently ranked #361 of Thematic games!

Once more, thank you for being part of this crazy journey.

May your tracks be free of Zombies and your Airships stay sturdy in battle!

~ Amanda & Martin

Fulfilment, Essen, Game on!
over 5 years ago – Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 02:29:15 AM

Greetings from Essen Spiel in Germany.


More on this later, but first here's whats happening at the moment with fulfilment...

English edition

USA, UK, EU and Middle East - fulfilment is now underway via PSI in the USA and Spiral Galaxy in the UK. Some parcels started arriving with backers yesterday, however, there are a lot to process, so please don't panic yet. Yours will be underway soon.

Asia, Australia and New Zealand - your parcels were all sent over 2 weeks ago and should have been received by now. Please contact me if you haven't got yours.

Canada - the bulk shipment is on its way north and should reach Toronto next week. Please be patient.

French and German editions

Fulfilment is underway and should be completed within the next week. Canadian copies are heading north to Quebec and should arrive with the fulfilment partner next week, so delivery is likely to be the week after next.

Polish and Spanish editions

Fulfilment is due to start the first week in November.

Portuguese edition

It is as previously planned i.e. expect to receive your game from Ludofy by mid-November.

Problems with your game?

If you are not happy with your game for some reason (such as missing or damaged parts), please contact me directly at [email protected] and include ...

  • your backer name
  • language edition
  • country and
  • a photo of any damage. 

If you only mention it in a comment it is not easy for me to track the issue and resolve it, so please email me.

Essen Spiel is Amazing!

Two days into the 4 day Spiel in Essen, Germany, and I am exhausted. The Spiel is massive. Spread over 6 large halls, with literally hundreds of booths showing thousands of games. AuZtralia is here on 4 booths: Stronghold, Spiral Galaxy, Nuts! and Schwerkraft-Verlag.

Martin signing a copy for a customer at Stronghold's booth
Martin signing a copy for a customer at Stronghold's booth
One person wanted Martin to sign on the map!
One person wanted Martin to sign on the map!

A couple of you have stopped me in the corridors and said "Hello  Amanda, thank you for the game I just received it" and similar comments, which is very cool.  If you see me - do say hello. It is great to meet backers in person and shake your hand.

Demo tables are available for people to learn the game,
Demo tables are available for people to learn the game,
Demo table at Spiral Galaxy's booth
Demo table at Spiral Galaxy's booth

Next update probably  when I am back at base in NZ in just over a week.


Amanda & Martin

More dark forces unleashed
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 01:05:54 AM

Cthulhu stands proud over Auckland harbour, surveying his next victims?
Cthulhu stands proud over Auckland harbour, surveying his next victims?

Greetings from NZ (aka Old One Land)

I am very happy to report that all games for backers in this part of the world have now been fulfilled. That covers NZ, Australia, Asia and a couple to French Polynesia.

As to be expected on such a big project, one or two games have had something missing or damaged. If you find you have this type of problem with your copy then please message me via Kickstarter or directly to [email protected] and  I will get back to you with a plan to resolve it for you.

Meanwhile, reports have been coming in of Old Ones taking over people's lives, as well as great stories of near victories, and near defeats.

What are players saying:

  • "what really makes this game is the shift when the Old Ones awake - it all seemed so simple but suddenly all hell breaks loose. Wonderfully done!" Fensedge on BGG

  • "Easily the most enjoyable Cthulhu game I have played" Brokengod on BGG

  • "Excellent game. The change in pace when the Old Ones awaken is dramatic and tense. Can't wait for next time." msvknight on BGG
  • The production quality is excellent. I thought the prototype version was very good itself but the finishing touches to this final version really are noticeable. Stephen Croft.

Fulfilment update - rest of world ...

The ships headed to other parts of the world have mostly arrived now, although not in Brazil.  Unfortunately, the dark forces seem to be have been at work. Firstly, our ships were delayed leaving SE Asia due to the typhoons there.  Now, their arrivals are being delayed due to hurricanes in the USA, and also due to a backlog of ships trying to unload at Southampton in the UK. Do not fear - the Old Ones will get through eventually!

Essen Spiel 18

I am heading to Europe in a couple of days, to see my family in the UK and then on to Essen Spiel. I'll be the one wearing an AuZtralia T-shirt with a big grin on my face. If you see me there, please say hello.

The next update will be live from Essen!  Martin will be there too, and sometimes at Stronghold's stand to sign copies of the game.

Thank you once again. We really couldn't have done this without your support and enthusiasm. So excited to see AuZtralia rising up the ranking on BoardGameGeek.

Games I've been playing: Castles of Burgundy, AuZtralia, London, oh and packing suitcases!

~ Amanda

Part of the AuZtralia board after setup.
Part of the AuZtralia board after setup.